IMMUNE BOOSTING SOUP GINGER & SPINACH SOUP Is it just me or has the weather



Is it just me or has the weather literally just turned 🥶?! It’s freeeeezing! And I always get ill 🤒 at this time of year. So I whipped up a big nourishing bowl of soup with all the goodness to make sure I feel my best for the festive season 🎁🎄

1. Roast 2 sweet potatoes in the oven cut into cubes until they are soft, drizzle with paprika and salt and pepper
2. Add these to a blender along with 250ml of vegetable stock. Chuck in half a bag of spinach roughly 200g, and a big handful of chopped ginger (this is key!) I used a full stick
3. Chop up a one white onion and a clove of garlic on a low heat and then transfer to your main vegetable mix. Get a hand blender and blitz together until smooth. Lightly heat your soup on a low heat and enjoy ! Should taste nice and zingy!!

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