16 years ago today (6-23-2007) I married my soulmate! We were so young & so in l…

16 years ago today (6-23-2007) I married my soulmate! We were so young & so in love! They say time flies when your having fun but time flies no matter what so live everyday to the fullest, love hard, have fun, celebrate even the little things, forgive & forget, keep an open mind, take risks, stumble & fall because it will make you stronger, be positive, kind & hopeful, be happy & give thanks for everything that you have.

So on this day & everyday, I’m so grateful to have the most amazing husband ever who spoils me rotten and makes all my dreams come true! I wouldn’t be doing what I love everyday without his support. We’ve had our ups & downs but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You’re my inspiration for wanting to be the best version of myself! I love you Blake!

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