Sticky Sweet Potato & Black Beans with Smashed Avocado Easy Monday Meal anyon

Sticky Sweet Potato & Black Beans with Smashed Avocado 🥑

Easy Monday Meal anyone ? 🙋‍♀️


1. Cut up 2 sweet potatoes in cubes, drizzle with olive oil & a generous helping of sea salt and cracked black pepper. Sprinkle over chopped garlic and mix well and then roast for 15 minutes.
2. Once cooked, drizzle over some maple syrup and some smoked paprika
3. Next empty a tin of black beans and drain them, rinse with fresh water and drizzle over some lime juice and add into your sweet potato mix and pop on a low heat for 10 mins with a squeeze of tomato purée and big splash of water and a chopped spring onions. Once cooked serve hot in a bowl
4. Finally mash up a avocado with lime juice salt and pepper pop on the side. Finish with fresh rocket with pomegranate and feta Delicious 😋👨‍🍳!!!!

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