Happy Bank Holiday angels Hope you’re having a relaxing day wherever you are.

Happy Bank Holiday angels ✨

Hope you’re having a relaxing 😌 day wherever you are. Working long hours sometimes I find it hard to unwind (especially after a global pandemic 😷) so I thought I’d share with you my favourite little things for some downtime that helps me unwind ⏰ would love to hear yours too… 💭👇

⭐️ PODCASTS: these are my go to, walking, falling asleep, cleaning 🧼 I’m obsessed & it tunes into a different part of the mind. Dessert islands discs / Happy Place / How to fail, make my top 3. Would love to hear yours?

⭐️ WALKING my favourite mode of transport. It’s free & my ideas always come to me when out and about. I have a permanent mental list that sometimes need quieting.

⭐️BAKING. Not sure this one is a surprise, but it’s my go to. Nan taught me to bake scones when I was a kid and well yea never really stopped.

⭐️TALKING TO MY MUM. I’m lucky to have the best Mum. We speak every day. Normally about 3 times. Often out walking in between podcasts ✌️. She’s the best.

⭐️YOGA kinda hate it kinda love it. Nothing beats a good stretch. How do you do those headstands though? Exercise is part of my every day. Probably more of a HIT girl but any movement always helps quieten my mind. 😌

WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOURS in the comments below 👇💕

And don’t forget to enter my NUTRI-BULLET giveaway last day to enter tomorrow ! 💥💥💥

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