EASY ONE BOWL GOOEY BANANA BREAD This is my favourite breakfast at the moment


This is my favourite breakfast at the moment 🤩 I make it on a Sunday night & it’s the perfect breakfast to have at my desk all week 👩‍🏫 easy peasey tasty breakfast on the go 👨‍🍳


1. Heat oven to 180C and line your baking loaf tin with baking parchment. Firstly, in a bowl mix together 150g soft butter 75g caster and 90g of soft brown sugar until light and fluffy. You may want to melt butter as makes mixing easier !
2. Next add in 2 large eggs & slowly add in 150g of plain flour, all in the same bowl. Beat together until light and fluffy. Lastly add in 1tsbp of baking powder and 2 and a half mashed bananas, and 100g of choc chips! Mix well to ensure evenly distributed.
3. Cooking time ! Pop in the oven for 45 mins and check regularly, pop in a skewer & ensure it comes out clean and it’s nice and brown at the top. Allow to cool for 20 minutes and then top with chopped slices of banana and a drizzle of honey 🍯👨‍🍳🤩Breakfast on the go sorted !!!

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